Went to Chinatown today with Jackie to watch the second Chinese New Year Parade. It got mad packed. We stood on the steps that led up to a Beauty Parlor that my mom's friend owned on Mott Street.
Some Chinese actress, who's semi famous I guess, came out of either the beauty parlor or the clothing store next to it at one point. Some guy who was also standing on the steps with us pointed it out. I don't watch Chinese programming so I wouldn't know.
The parade lasted for about an hour and a half, which seemed really long, and I got bored half way through. After we had enough, I took Jackie to a Shanghainese restaurant off Mott St. We had pan fried dumplings, scallion pancakes, and the signature dish, which is a thing of steamed dumplings with soup inside the dumplings. It's hard to describe, but it's amazing and cheap.
The Foxwoods float.
Some Chinese people on a float.
A pig carved out of ice, by the people who make some Asian beer that I've never heard of before
A semi-important Chinese celebrity (?)
A dragon dance company.
Another dragon dance company. This dragon was so long, there were about 20 people moving it from front to end.
Jackie watching the parade.