Total photos taken: 1050
Colleen- 260 points
40 pts. Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
20 pts. Adam visits an area where there are no modern toilets 6:120 pts. Adam gets a dirty look by a native because they can tell he is an ABC (American born Chinese) 10:1
20 pts. Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:1Photo guess: 475
Ming- 210 points
10pts Adam spots Chinese hipsters 4:1
10pts Adam spots a hot Chinese hipster 6:1
25pts Adam finds a bar that has a high percentage of Chinese hipsters 15:1
10pts Adam gets sick at some point on the trip 3:1
10pts Adam buys something that is made mostly of bamboo 5:1
10pts Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:1
15pts Adam finds the Chinese equivalent of The L Magazine 8:1
10pts Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
Photo guess: 548pictures
Mark- 100 points
25pts Adam spots Chinese hipsters 4:115pts Adam finds a bar that has a high percentage of Chinese hipsters 15:1
25pts Adam's mom tries to set him up with a Chinese girl 15:1
20pts Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
15pts Adam gets a dirty look by a native because they can tell he is an ABC (American born Chinese) 10:1
Photo guess: 2005
Lauren- 240
35pts Adam buys a camera 2:1
15pts Adam spots Chinese Hipsters 4:1
20pts Adam gets sick at some point on the trip 3:1
10pts Adam spots the Chinese of version of someone he knows in America 5:1 (me!)
10pts Adam gets drunk at a Chinese Bar 5:1
10pts Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:1Photo guess- 247
Gabe- 180 +200 bonus points= 380 (Winner)
Adam buys a camera 20
Adam steps into a Chinese nightclub 10
Adam's mom tries to set him up with a Chinese girl 10
Adam gets a dirty look by a native becasue they can tell he's an ABC 10
5:1 Adam buys something that is made mostly of bamboo 10Adam visits a rice paddy 10
7:1 Adam eats something funky and regrets it 10
Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 10
6:1 Adam visits an area where there are no modern toilets 10 Photo guess: 685 (Winner) Soojye- 162
50 pts. Adam runs into someone he knows from America 25:1
30 pts. Adam gets sick at some point on the trip 3:1
12 pts. Adam visits an area where there are no modern toilets 6:1
8 pts. Adam gets a haircut in Hong Kong 8:1
Daniel- 0
50 points - Adam bleaches hair gold
50 points - Adam befriends Chinese hipsters
Photo guess: 1,899
Kaci- 220
10pts. Adam's mom tries to set him up with a Chinese girl 15:1
20pts. Adam has a bonding moment with his sister 5:1
25pts. Adam spots a hot Chinese hipster 6:110pts. Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:120 pts. Adam buys a camera 2:1
5pts. Adam makes a Chinese friend that he isn't related to 10:1
10pts. Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
Total number of photos 2,413