Monday, April 27, 2009

eightyfive - Mercedes!


Finally got to use my new camera to photograph a person. It's all my wildest dreams come true (srsly). Full frame plus 85mm F1.4= dreamy portraits. I'll have to stop being lazy and smooth out the skin tone when I put this up on my website.

This second shot would have really benefited by a hair light. Ugh, I should just sucker up and buy a second strobe.

This was not part of a portrait session. Just took these "for fun" after helping Mercedes photograph jewelery she makes for her soon-to-launch website. Speaking of websites, have you been on The L Magazine's recently redesigned website yet?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Adam in China Fantasy Betting Pool RESULTS

Total photos taken: 1050

Colleen- 260 points
40 pts. Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
20 pts. Adam visits an area where there are no modern toilets 6:1
20 pts. Adam gets a dirty look by a native because they can tell he is an ABC (American born Chinese) 10:1
20 pts. Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:1
Photo guess: 475

Ming- 210 points
10pts Adam spots Chinese hipsters 4:1
10pts Adam spots a hot Chinese hipster 6:1
25pts Adam finds a bar that has a high percentage of Chinese hipsters 15:1
10pts Adam gets sick at some point on the trip 3:1
10pts Adam buys something that is made mostly of bamboo 5:1
10pts Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:1
15pts Adam finds the Chinese equivalent of The L Magazine 8:1
10pts Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
Photo guess: 548pictures

- 100 points
25pts Adam spots Chinese hipsters 4:1
15pts Adam finds a bar that has a high percentage of Chinese hipsters 15:1
25pts Adam's mom tries to set him up with a Chinese girl 15:1
20pts Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
15pts Adam gets a dirty look by a native because they can tell he is an ABC (American born Chinese) 10:1
Photo guess: 2005

Lauren- 240
35pts Adam buys a camera 2:1
15pts Adam spots Chinese Hipsters 4:1
20pts Adam gets sick at some point on the trip 3:1
10pts Adam spots the Chinese of version of someone he knows in America 5:1 (me!)
10pts Adam gets drunk at a Chinese Bar 5:1
10pts Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:1
Photo guess- 247

- 180 +200 bonus points= 380 (Winner)
Adam buys a camera 20
Adam steps into a Chinese nightclub 10
Adam's mom tries to set him up with a Chinese girl 10
Adam gets a dirty look by a native becasue they can tell he's an ABC 10
5:1 Adam buys something that is made mostly of bamboo 10
Adam visits a rice paddy 10
7:1 Adam eats something funky and regrets it 10
Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 10
6:1 Adam visits an area where there are no modern toilets 10
Photo guess: 685 (Winner)

Soojye- 162
50 pts. Adam runs into someone he knows from America 25:1
30 pts. Adam gets sick at some point on the trip 3:1
12 pts. Adam visits an area where there are no modern toilets 6:1
8 pts. Adam gets a haircut in Hong Kong 8:1

Daniel- 0
50 points - Adam bleaches hair gold
50 points - Adam befriends Chinese hipsters
Photo guess: 1,899

Kaci- 220
10pts. Adam's mom tries to set him up with a Chinese girl 15:1
20pts. Adam has a bonding moment with his sister 5:1
25pts. Adam spots a hot Chinese hipster 6:1
10pts. Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:1
20 pts. Adam buys a camera 2:1
5pts. Adam makes a Chinese friend that he isn't related to 10:1
10pts. Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
Total number of photos 2,413

Saturday, April 11, 2009

China in photos: Beijing, part 1

All I see is sadness in the people's faces.


I didn't get to see "real" Beijing, just tourist areas since I was on a guided tour the entire time and had no time to wander. Taking shots of places that a million people take photos of does not interest me, so I took photos of something that does- people.

Top shot is uh, Chinese hot pot on the street. It's like $1 USD for a stick-o-stuff. Fishballs, cow intestines, whatever.


This was shot after dinner one night. We were waiting to board the bus and had some time to buy snacks. A group of girls in uniforms walked by. I have no idea what they are about. But they all had bags of fruits and were wearing way out of place slippers.


Oh, girls of Beijing. Some of them know how to dress.

eightyone- dai look lo

Dai look los. Dudes from mainland China. They DO look different from Hong Kong folk. They're skin is darker, they eyes more "Chinese-like". Most of them are farmers.

Some of them were really happy to be in Beijing and seeing the sights. You can see it in their faces. I feel happiness and sadness at the same time when I see them. You have to understand how much harder life is in China in general. Seeing it first hand really saddens me.

The golden knobs on the giant red door represents how high class the people living there are. This one has the most possible- nine. Obvious because this was taken at the Forbidden City.


The dude in this photo is hilarious. I have another shot of him- same expression.

More soon.