Bohemian Beer Garden in Astoria, Queens
Central Park, Manhattan
Another lazy and wonderful Saturday spent doing nothing...
Alex and Nate are in town this weekend to set up a SOFA show at at the Armory for gallery that Nate works for. We met up, along with Peter, at Union Square in the mid afternoon. Then we went to the Beer Garden in Astoria. When we got there the gate was down and I almost thought it was closed but upon closer inspection, there was a sign that said "Entrance through the yard".
So we went and looked inside to see tons of people and kids running around. They were having some Belgium style chidren's festival or something. They made us pay a cover of 3 bucks. Don't know what that was about. They also jacked the price of the food up too! Oh well.
At one point they had a clown. It was the oddest thing I've seen in some time. He was on stage and got into a garbage can and put another one over himself and changed into a shiny gold DRESS and put on some weird mask and came out of it. Then he chased the children around the stage with a fishing poll. The poll had a dead bird thing that had a slinky attached to it. Very odd and humorous to watch.
Alex and Peter watches the Fool
After the beer garden went to take a walk in Central Park to follick around. We started on the south side and went all the way to the Fitzta Fountain (I can't spell it). It was in HOME ALONE 2 (I kept pointing that out). We sat for a while.
I love the juxtaposition
Nate and Liz
Peter refills his water bottle
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