Saturday, December 1, 2007


It's December. Since I don't go to school anymore and don't mark the passage of time with it, I use release dates of various things now (videogames, movies, new music, ipods etc.). And for all the great things that came out in November to seemingly make the month go by faster, it has actually felt like one of the longest months ever - the final 2 day stretch for Rock Band was brutal.

I really, really hate the month of November. Seems like for the past 3 Novembers now, some bullshit is happening between me and someone I care about. This year it wasn't as much as an instant punch in my chest as the previous two but I'm a lot more disappointed in what is going on right now.

It all comes down to something called loyalty - something not a lot of people I roll with have apparently. I've come to terms that people change and you just have to accept it but it still hurts when you are being treated like a second-rate friend reduced to lunch meetings because you have more important people to hang out with at night. Or not hanging out at all now. And being lied to in the face. Blatantly.

1 comment:

sandy said...

eff those people that dont value you. thats bullshit and no one should be subjected to that in a mututal friendship. when they come around, theyll realize how good they had it with a REAL friend. their loss, not yours.