Provincetown, MA
Finally made my way up to Cape Cod with Justine to see Modge this weekend. One of my main goals were to eat lots of seafood, and did we ever... We got there Friday night and immediately went down the street from where Modge lives in Barnstable to a seafood place and bought a lobster for each of us. They were not expensive and fresh from the Cape.
Erika (Modge) prepares the lobsters.
They are all ready to be eaten!
On Saturday Modge had to work from 11-4pm so Justine and I kept busy by going down the street to the beach to take photos. It wasn't a huge public beach - more of a local scene, since almost no tourist go through Barnstable. It started to rain while we were there, which upset me because, you know, I wanted to take photos.
I shot this in very light rain at the pier a block down from the beach. That big boat in the back is called 'The Whale Watcher'. It does exactly as it's name implies. There is a boat on this dock that Erika's dad built but she didn't say which one.
After a terrible early afternoon trying to take photos in the rain, Justine and I stopped by the place we bought lobsters from on the previous night to have lunch. I got more lobster! This time in the form of a roll. I had said after eating the lobster last night that I didn't know if I could eat another this trip, but I was wrong.
I mean, look at this! The only other time I had a lobster roll was from Surf Bar in Williamsburg, which was on the lower end (price wise) to get one in NYC. This one cost a few more than Surf Bar's and uses what seem to be the meat from an entire lobster. It was oozing out of the bun! And look at how there's not a lot of mayo on it. Just all lobster, baby.
At the same exact time a few miles away, the exact same thing was happening.
After that we drove around to kill some time. You don't know how useful GPS is until you have it. Used my iPhone and we drove to another road that led to the water in hopes of finding another beach. Instead we found a marsh!
There was a long wooden bridge that you could walk on out to the marsh but this was as far as we got- the beginning. We didn't even step foot on it. There were way too many flies biting us. You literally could not walk it was so bad. So Justine and I went back to the car and drove back to meet Modge.
The most amazing light ever.
We drove to Provincetown, and listend to Vampire Weekend on the way. As we drove into town the song 'Walcott' came on and they were singing about the girls in Welfleet and the bears in Provincetown. It was prefect. I didn't time it either.
It's funny, as we drove to town, it seemed like it was getting lighter, even though it was during sunset. The rain clouds were not over Provincetown, but around it, as you can see in the photo above. The sun was setting around it, which created the most sought after light conditions for me. We also ran into Emily Salsberg and Ben Willey in Provincetown. Emily's parents rent a house there every summer.
On the way back to Barnstable (where Erika lives now) we stopped by the dunes in Welfleet. The same ones she took me to last year. But now its dark as fuck. Good time to do this...
8 minute long exposure over the dunes and sky. I didn't have a shutter release. Just set up my tripod and had to hold down the damn button on my camera for 8 minutes. Amazing how much the earth moves in just eight minutes looking at the star trails.
Erika, Dan and Justine
Erika had a surprise day off on Sunday so we went to the beach in Orleans! Since she is a residence of Orleans (well, her parents) we got to go on the private beaches at the dunes for residents only. But it was labor day weekend and all the beaches were full! We had to wait a while to even get into the public beach (parking). The above photo is of us at the public section of Neuset beach.
You know what became really apparent when we were at the public beach? There are no young people on Cape Cod. Dan and I talked about it. I guess its out of the price range for most people our age to just go by themselves. All the ones here either have friends living there, like us or have rich parents who can afford to rent/buy houses there. I've also noticed an abnormal amount of people with blond hair on the cape. There doesn't seem to be any brunettes (or minorities) in general. The minority thing I can sorta understand, the brunette thing not so much.
Last year, we got to go on the private beaches that you had to drive to. I can't go to public beach after that! I mean, you drive your fucking truck straight up to the water and set up at the private beach! Anyway, we stayed at the public beach with all the tourist for a while and waited for spaces in the private beach to open up. When it did we drove to it...
Justine and I sat in the back of Erika's father's truck as we drove over the dunes to the beach. She's wearing the sun hat I bought to photograph people with in this photo.
So you literally drive your AWD vehicle up to the water and set up. People can camp out here at night if they want to. These are all residents of Orleans.
Erika in her wet suit. She wanted to teach Justine how to surf but Justine is no fun and didn't try it.
Erika went out on her own. There was almost no surf that day though. She just waded around a bit and showed us.
She got a really small one!
After that we went to Erika's parents house. They were having a clam bake (YES!) for her grandmother's birthday. I got to meet all of Erika's relatives. It was something else! Her father went out that morning to get these steamers. There were so many. And they were so fresh and delicious. Erika's parents remembered from last year how much I loved them and keep making remarks about it to me. "We gotta give Adam more steamers!" I was so stuffed after wards.
Erika playing around with my tripod and night exposures in her and Dan's apartment.
Then we drove back to Barnstable and I passed out. The next day we got breakfast, I drove to Bourne to pick up Bexo, Andrea and Julia and we went back to NY. This trip was awesome.
Check my flickr for more photos. Some are friends only, so you will have to be on my friends list to see them. I've decided to stop uploading private life photos to photobucket and linking them here and just upload all photos to flickr and make them public or private accordingly.
1 comment:
I am incredibly jealous :-( I wish we could have made the trip again together. But I'm so glad it was good !!! And the light is amazing even in photos. SIGH
And, I can't wait to see you one last time before I leave
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