My favorite photos that I've taken this year (in no particular order) -
Andrea hates this photo but I love it. "Looks like this could be in Elle" - Becca
I wish film was not so expensive and inconvenient to shoot, otherwise I would have done a lot more of it. I want to make prints of the above two photographs but going to a color darkroom is a huge hassle, not to mention I don't even know how to print color. At least, I wasn't taught but I pretty much know how it works and can probably just wing it if I ever find myself in a color dark room.
Funny and weird and confusing all at the same time. I wish the light doesn't die so fast every time I go to this beach.
Kendall knows how to pose, like for serious.
I shot both of these on the same day. It was just one of those day where everything came together really well. The thing is, the lighting that day was not anything spectacular, I just used it to my advantage. Dana's photo was through seer observation for days looking for a place that had light being filtered through so it wasn't too harsh. It was high noon summer light! So I went into that one knowing where I wanted to place her.
The Edith didn't start so well, I couldn't find a good location with good light. We walked around for a bit and I found a good spot to back light her- again, it doesn't look like it in the photo at all, and that is what sets these two photos apart for me.
Overall, my output in 2008 was higher than any year since when I was in Italy and I'm really happy about that. I've had many, many lovely people to shoot and for the most part the people at the L went along with my shenanigans.
For 2009, I want to do some more elaborate studio shoots and shoot new people because lord knows I've exhausted my immediate circle of people to shoot. Not to say I'm not grateful for them, but fresh faces would be welcomed. Afternoon photo shoots with new people are one of the greatest joys for me- shooting and getting to know someone at the same time - the entire process is just great.
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