1. Portland Design Works Pogo Pump
Because we all need to keep our bike tires full of air and this seems like a better long (very long) term investment than paying 75 cents at a gas station. I remember when it was 25, and then 50 cents at the gas station.
2. The Beatles Abbey Road on Vinyl
Because CDs are now worthless and I already have it in a digital format. Edit: A friend has decided to graciously get me this item.
3. Poses 1 by Red de Leon
A book of poses shot by one of my favorite local photographers. It would be really useful to have this as a reference now that I am shooting a fashion column.
4. Instax Mini 7s Camera by Fujifilm
Yes, I have it's bigger brother, the Instax 200, but I can always use another instant photo format! I looked for this in Hong Kong when I was there buy decided not to buy it then, this would be great to have to take portraits when I shoot for my fashion blog.
This is all I can think of right now.
Air should be free for all tires! Its free in Malaysia, I don't understand why they need to charge customers here.
cool blog dude. U should uopdate more often.
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