Thursday, October 30, 2008

I think I messed up my lens, more Kendall

The 2 shots I posted from the session with Kendall always seemed a bit off to me. It wasn't not sharp. Just feels weird when I looked at them at 100% resolution. I couldn't figure out what was causing this phenomenon.

The night before this session, I decided to clean my lens. I don't use filters and the front lens element was a bit greasy from 2 years of use and no real cleaning. I think I might have fucked it up a bit. Maybe there is cleaning solution residue on the lens. I think that's what is causing this weird sharp yet not sharp look in some of these photos.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

giant bummer: maybe an excuse to drop some dough on a new one! ;) super hot pics of a fine looking lady. keep it up buddy! (miss you)