Tuesday, March 13, 2007


A unsent draft in my inbox dated 11/05/06-

"I hate what is going on in my life right now. There are two people who I've recently felt like I've lost as friends and it saddens me. But I know they no longer care for me or what I have to say, and that hurts me the most. It's not up to me to make it clear to them of this fact if they don't care to hear it anymore.

I no longer want to linger on the past like this. Value the times spent with friends the way the are. If they change, there is nothing I can do about it, only they can change themselves for their own reasons. The past month has really matured my interaction, relationships, and perspective on human interactions and why we are they way we are, and the way we act. I really, really appreciate and value the few people I know that truly care about me, and like me for who I am.

What I've learned in the private conversations with people who trusted me enough to share with me is that everyone has problems, and a lot more people are in therapy than one would think. Our public faces are never the true ones. It always surprised me when they told me this, because I don't see them needing therapy. Well, now I think I need therapy. Isn't that ironic? I can't deal with this shit on my own anymore. It didn't work before"

Still feel the same way for the most part, other than the therapy for me part.

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