Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wait, what?

Back in March, I wrote this post with this quote

"Dapo's ex-girlfriend was there and came over to talk to Kevon and I and she didn't remember who I was and I was like "thats ok, we never really hung out". But they later I realized I had totally mistaken her for another of Dapo's ex and not this girl. This girl and I had never met, but I knew who she was. Oh well!"
The ex-girlfriend in question was Mary, whom I wrote about in a post earlier today of having ran into after Summerscreen. In March, she had no recollection of who I was, and I assumed we were never formally introduced, but I knew of her because she was dating Dapo.

But then tonight I realized she was all "hey Adam!" when we ran into her at Rushmore and the entire night acted like we knew each other from way back when. What the fuck?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An hour later

What we do in the office


Last summerscreen ever in the pool?

We (run) BK
Ray and Yudah

Last night was the "last Summerscreen ever" in McCarren Park Pool. I put that in quotes because the city plans on renovating the pool back into a real pool, with water. It will take like 3 years or something and cost millions. That is why I seriously doubt it will happen. Just like how every year Coney Island is threatened to be wiped from its current existance, but somehow manages to "survive" for another season, so too will the pool.

Everyone knows how slow the government is on any large scale project. While this is really small in comparison to say, the Atlantic Yards project (also scrapped from it's initial plan), the city just does not have the money to throw around at fixing up the pool.

Anyway, we showed Rushmore last night. The last time I saw this was with a girl in my apartment in Alfred like 3 or 4 years ago (fuck...) and we never finished it. And it left a really bad taste in my mouth. So I haven't exactly been trying to see it in the longest (3-4 years, fuck...). But damn, I had forgotten how great that movie is. Watching in on a breezy August night in an empty pool with 6000 hipsters is probably the best way ever to watch this movie.

Kendall and friend
Kendall and her friend

I was also with a bunch of friends from like all walks of my life there at once. It was great. Ray bought along Shoko and Kai (highschool people) and Dapo bought Rita (Junior highschool people). Justine and Mia also came (college, post college people) and so did Kendall and her friend (photo project model and friend). Some of them also bought people, so he had a pretty sizeable group of people.

After the movie we ran into Mary, Dapo's ex girlfriend. She was handing out promotional materials as people exited the pool. Turns out she's working for a promotion company. We (Ray) told her to meet us at Turkey's Nest after she was done. Her (creepy older) boss tagged along and it was mad awkward for us (and especially Dapo). We didn't go in Turkey's Nest though. I realized everyone standing there had gone to LaGuardia Highschool and this turned out to be an unintentional reunion, except for the creepy boss.

Some of us were hungry, so we decided to go to Alligator Lounge for pizza and beers. Mary's creepy boss bought us a round of drinks. He pulled out a crisp Benjamin mad hard. I was gonna get a Bass, but switched to Jack and Coke since it wasn't gonna cost me. Randomly, Kendall and her friend came in (they left after the movie). Then Sandy came also. So many random encounters last night, but it was a lot of fun.

View more Summerscreen photos at the L Magazine's flickr here.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Editorial Assistant, The L Magazine

The trackings of a downward spiral

Oh. Facebook. It's so nice of you to track and display every move of the people who use your website.

I just witness an entire profile change of someone I know from high school, that I don't even really speak to anymore, mind you go from perfectly fine to a self-abusing, facebook status attention whoring mess. Getting the updates the second I log in is also always fun. "XXX is no longer in a relationship", "XXX is now listed as single" "XXX changed their 'looking for' to 'friends, dating, whatever I can get'.

"XXX hates life."

You know, sometimes I also get the urge to facebook status my sometimes depressed and desperation for a female relationship but I manage to hold back, or delete them before it gets broadcast to out to the news feed. That's usually because the only time I do it is when it's late at night and I'm home alone and drunk.

It may be highly regrettable for me to use twitter now, as I just update as I go through the night and spew all sorts of belligerent things. Don't look at my feed from last night.

Friday, August 22, 2008


I had no interest in Little Big Planet for the past 6 months. But after seeing this video it has won me over with it's charm. The machinima coming out of this game will be amazing in the right hands.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Fashion Editor, The L Magazine

It's a take-over




Next photo take-over: Becca

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fashion editing

fashion editing
The elusive Laurel Pinson, L Magazine fashion editor. A proper portrait for the L Magazine portrait series will be up soon.

This is Laurel's sister (I think?), Charlotte. They have the same last name so they must be related.

We had a photoshoot with real (expensive) clothes and models. Laurel told us that one of the models asked why Cecilia and I weren't going to change when they were all going to do that. They thought we were also going to model. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.

Photos will be in the L Magazine fashion issue coming out in 1.5 weeks. I'll post some alt-pics in the coming weeks.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Account Executive, The L Magazine


Editorial Assistant, The L Magazine

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm dying here

2 leaves in one week. I don't know how many more I can take...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Scheduling problems

She and Her Cat

For the past 3 weeks I've been trying to schedule a shoot with Sus but the weather has always been terrible when we try to shoot or one of us is busy. It's getting really annoying. Today it was cloudy. Then the sun came out and I was going to go over to her place but when I left work it was cloudy again. Awful.

Same thing with Britt from work, always raining. It seems like I've been trying to schedule her and Sus on the same days. And 2 other girls for my 10 year project, ahem MERCEDES, I haven't been able to set those up either. And I'm not a busy person most of the time. It's really testing my patience and faith in this 10 year thing and if it will work or not.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"But it's Radiohead"

I took Friday off to go to All Points West, a 3 day music and arts festival at Liberty State park. The entire thing was a huge money sink that I was pretty "meh" about. The ferry from lower Manhattan to the park (round trip) was $20 in advance, $25 leading up to the show, and a whooping $30 if you buy if before you get on the ferry. Ray and I paid $25. That's crimal. But not as crimal as the price of bottled water and beer...

The ferry ride was nice. The drop off was not so much. It was like a fucking 10-15 minute walk from the ferry to the entrance of the festival. The worst part is that you can see the entrance the entire time and know exactly how far it was - very fucking far as far as what I was expecting. To top it off, K-Rock put up posters on the railing by the water the ENTIRE way to the entrance, like literally every feet there was another K-Rock poster. What a fucking huge waste of money and resources. By the time we got halfway to the entrance, it seemed like whoever had the awful job of putting them up had given up and threw away the rest of the signs in the garbage. Yes there were entire stacks of them in the garbage where they stopped putting them on the railing.

The big headliner was Radiohead. New Pornographers, Mates of State, Andrew Bird, and The Go Team! also played, plus some others I can't remember on Friday. I went with Ray because he had an extra ticket. It belonged to Dapo but he couldn't go because he had to work. To be honest I didn't even want to go. No, I'm not that into Radiohead.

We speculated how much beer would cost, and when I found out that bottled water was FOUR U.S. DOLLARS I pretty much figured out we were in for some ass-rapage on beer prices. It was $7 for a 16oz cup of Budweiser or Bud Light or $9 for a cup of Stella or Red Hook. They also only allowed you the privlage to buy up to 5 cups of beer a day. They enforced this by making you wear a giant bright neon green wristband that had 5 tabs. Every time you bought a beer, they would take a tab off of it. They also marked everyone's hands with a purple marker with ink that I can still see on my hand a full 36 hours after it was first applied on me. You could also drink in the two designated beer serving areas that had an entrance, exits and "emergency exits", which had a guy standing in front of with 2 barricades bottle-necking the exit of. The entire thing was silly if you asked me, and not very prone to drunken fun.

One thing I did discover was that Neko Case doesn't do any of the singing for the New Pornographers (?) It was some brunette woman named Kathryn Calder. That is news to me. So why is Niko Case so famous for being in the New Pornographers if she only played violin? Because she's hot? I'm so confused.

[2 minutes of google searching later] Ok, so I just found some images of Neko Case singing for the New Pornographers. This really doesn't make any sense.

[Ok, back to APW]
I didn't take any photos because they didn't allow "professional" cameras unless you had a press pass. Go to brooklyn vegan if you want to see photos. I didn't even bring my iPhone because I didn't want the chance of it getting stolen if anything crazy happend. So I switched back to my old phone and in the process lost a number of someone I wanted to meet up with at the show.

Sometime during the New Pornogrpahers set, Ray and I ate some oatmeal cookies he had baked. It didn't really do anything for me for a while. We went to get food after the set and he was like, "you seriously don't feel anything?". I said, "no!" "I'm gone", Ray replied. Half and hour later we're sitting in the beer area because he wanted to get more beer. He said something to me so I started to turn my head towards him. Like smacking a brick wall, it hits me and I'm like "Ooooooooh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit". I don't know why I have such a high tolerance. I really shouldn't because I don't 'eat cookies' like ever. Then a few minutes later, another wave hits me. And I got really paranoid.

Earlier in the day, we went inside this smoker's cabana to avoid the rain. Oddly enough, no one inside was smoking, jus hanging out. They had a big canvas wall with crayola makers laying around that you could doodle. Ray and I were a bit drunk at that point off of 2 $7 dollar Buds (hey, we were dehydrated). So I thought it would be really funny to draw The L Magazine logo on the thing. Well, that wasn't so funny so I decided to write "Mike Conklin hates All Points West" under it. That was hilarious at the time - until I was sitting and paranoid in the beer garden before the Radiohead set. I started to play out all these senarios in my head, like what if some organizers saw that and actually got pissed and called us and then the L would have a mini PR nightmare and I would get fired for it. Then I figured the smoking room people would probably just throw it away after (I hope).

As I said, I'm not that into Radiohead, which means I don't know a lot of their music. That didn't really stop me from enjoying the show though. They put on a pretty fucking good live show. The stage show was pretty amazing. I would have probably enjoyed it more if I knew the music. But this show hasn't really made me want to go looking for their music either. Oh well, maybe I'll download In Rainbows.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

In love with the sun

After shooting the portraits of Dana and Edith yesterday, I think I'm in love with the sun again. It's weird how it comes full circle again. I didn't hate the sun before, it was just dumb to shoot during the middle of the day because it was too high contrast.

But I remembered I used to pay more attention to my surroundings and use the sun to my advantage. Now I can do that again. These mid-to-late portraits in the series is really starting to drive me more creatively than the first few, after I got the more cliche-y shots out of my system. If I were crazy, I would reshoot a whole lot of people...


Assistant Editor, The L Magazine

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Account Executive, The L Magazine

I re-shot Dana.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Holy shit, I just realized its August 4th already. Damn. I can't believe it's already August. Why is this so surprising? I don't know. Oh well. Only 1.5 months till Rock Band 2! Maybe it's just the lack of awareness on Mondays.