Sunday, August 24, 2008

The trackings of a downward spiral

Oh. Facebook. It's so nice of you to track and display every move of the people who use your website.

I just witness an entire profile change of someone I know from high school, that I don't even really speak to anymore, mind you go from perfectly fine to a self-abusing, facebook status attention whoring mess. Getting the updates the second I log in is also always fun. "XXX is no longer in a relationship", "XXX is now listed as single" "XXX changed their 'looking for' to 'friends, dating, whatever I can get'.

"XXX hates life."

You know, sometimes I also get the urge to facebook status my sometimes depressed and desperation for a female relationship but I manage to hold back, or delete them before it gets broadcast to out to the news feed. That's usually because the only time I do it is when it's late at night and I'm home alone and drunk.

It may be highly regrettable for me to use twitter now, as I just update as I go through the night and spew all sorts of belligerent things. Don't look at my feed from last night.

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