Ray and Yudah
Last night was the "last Summerscreen ever" in McCarren Park Pool. I put that in quotes because the city plans on renovating the pool back into a real pool, with water. It will take like 3 years or something and cost millions. That is why I seriously doubt it will happen. Just like how every year Coney Island is threatened to be wiped from its current existance, but somehow manages to "survive" for another season, so too will the pool.
Everyone knows how slow the government is on any large scale project. While this is really small in comparison to say, the Atlantic Yards project (also scrapped from it's initial plan), the city just does not have the money to throw around at fixing up the pool.
Anyway, we showed Rushmore last night. The last time I saw this was with a girl in my apartment in Alfred like 3 or 4 years ago (fuck...) and we never finished it. And it left a really bad taste in my mouth. So I haven't exactly been trying to see it in the longest (3-4 years, fuck...). But damn, I had forgotten how great that movie is. Watching in on a breezy August night in an empty pool with 6000 hipsters is probably the best way ever to watch this movie.
Kendall and her friend
I was also with a bunch of friends from like all walks of my life there at once. It was great. Ray bought along Shoko and Kai (highschool people) and Dapo bought Rita (Junior highschool people). Justine and Mia also came (college, post college people) and so did Kendall and her friend (photo project model and friend). Some of them also bought people, so he had a pretty sizeable group of people.
After the movie we ran into Mary, Dapo's ex girlfriend. She was handing out promotional materials as people exited the pool. Turns out she's working for a promotion company. We (Ray) told her to meet us at Turkey's Nest after she was done. Her (creepy older) boss tagged along and it was mad awkward for us (and especially Dapo). We didn't go in Turkey's Nest though. I realized everyone standing there had gone to LaGuardia Highschool and this turned out to be an unintentional reunion, except for the creepy boss.
Some of us were hungry, so we decided to go to Alligator Lounge for pizza and beers. Mary's creepy boss bought us a round of drinks. He pulled out a crisp Benjamin mad hard. I was gonna get a Bass, but switched to Jack and Coke since it wasn't gonna cost me. Randomly, Kendall and her friend came in (they left after the movie). Then Sandy came also. So many random encounters last night, but it was a lot of fun.
View more Summerscreen photos at the L Magazine's flickr here.
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