You are invited to participate in the Adam in China Fantasy Betting Pool.
I am going to Hong Kong from March 30th-April 16th. Set bets on things that may or may not happen while I am there!
You have 100 points to bet. The minimum bet is 10 points per prediction. The maximum bet is 50.
All bets must add up to 100 points. All bets totaling more or less than 100 points will be disqualified. You can bet anywhere from 10-50 points on any amount of bets as long as your points total add up to 100.
Please place bets in this format.10pts Adam buys a camera 2:1
20pts Adam spots Chinese hipsters 2:1
45pts Adam gets drunk at a Chinese bar 5:1
25pts Adam gets sick at some point on the trip 3:1
In this example, the user has spent 100 points on 4 bets. You do not have to put points in every bet, just the ones you like. So if one of those things come true, your payout would be "X" points bet times the bet odds. In the case of "Adam buys a camera", the odds are 2:1, so the payout for a 10 point bet would be 10x2= 20 points. If this still sounds confusing, just ask me to explain it to you more clearly.
4. Please send all submissions to The best way to track my progress is to follow me on twitter ( as I will be posting progress as it happens. When I get back from the trip, I will tally up all the points and see who wins.
5. The person with the most points at the end will win an original Polaroid taken on the trip plus a copy of a photobook with photos from trip. The person with the second highest point total will win an original Polaroid.
6. This pool is only open to people who know Adam, no strangers please.
All entries must be received by 6pm on Sunday 3/29/09. In the case of a tie, a random drawing will be held to determine the winner.
THE PREDICTIONS1. Adam buys a camera 2:1
2. Adam spots Chinese hipsters 4:1
3. Adam spots a hot Chinese hipster 6:1
4. Adam befriends Chinese hipsters 25:1
5. Adam gets drunk at a Chinese bar 5:1
6. Adam finds a bar that has a high percentage of Chinese hipsters 15:1
7. Adam steps into a Chinese night club 10:1
8. Adam steps into a Chinese night club and stays for more than 10 minutes 15:1
9. Adam makes a Chinese friend that he isn't related to 10:1
10. Adam gets sick at some point on the trip 3:1
11. Adam's mom tries to set him up with a Chinese girl 15:1
12. Adam has a bonding moment with his sister 5:1
13. Adam gets a dirty look by a native because they can tell he is an ABC (American born Chinese) 10:1
14. Adam visits a rice paddy 8:1
15. Adam gets a haircut in Hong Kong 8:1
16. Adam bleaches his hair gold 30:1
17. Adam buys something that is made mostly of bamboo 5:1
18. Adam eats a piece of meat that is not from a cow, pig, chicken, duck or fish 10:1
19. Adam eats something funky and regrets it 7:1
20. Adam finds the Chinese equivalent of The L Magazine 8:1
21. Adam finds the Chinese equivalent of The L Magazine that is pocket-sized 15:1
22. Adam runs into someone he knows from America 25:1
23. Adam spots the Chinese version of someone he knows in America 5:1
24. Adam will have a spiritual awakening and end up closer to the motherland 5:1
25. Adam visits an area where there are no modern toilets 6:1
BONUS: Guess the amount of photos Adam takes on the trip (all formats total) and win 200 bonus points plus an original Polaroid. The closest estimate wins:
Ways to follow me on my trip:TWITTER: