Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ghosts of the past

I was researching blog software today because our publisher has another genius idea and somehow stumbled across my livejournal account that I have abandoned for 2 years now.

It's really embarrassing to see that period of my life documented. Well, the entire Italy trip is there and that's cool, but senior year stuff is painful. Seeing all the art I made senior year is great though. You know, when I actually had real ideas about art projects and followed through.


C. L. DeMedeiros said...

what happen in a year without lights???

lights meaning> money? inspiration?
Muse? relatives? everything? nothing?

Unknown said...

I started this blog immediately post collage, so it was a time of great uncertainty- career path, moving, etc. Exciting but uncertain times. And inspiration- it was really hard to self motivate myself to create any art or shoot a photo for a while.