Broadway Lafayette (represent!)
Alex came to New York for a day or two this past weekend. We had dinner at Marche on Thursday night with Peter. That place is getting mad strange with my discount. The same manager started giving me 20% and this time I got 15%. I have postcards I designed for them that gives more percentage away. I'm seriously going to bring one next time and use it. I don't think I'll be eating there for a while if I can help it, besides me almost getting to the point where I don't want to eat any of the food anymore, it's just not worth the full price (15% isn't even enough for tips!).
Alex caught a bug or something off the bus, and I still had a cold so we took it easy on Friday. Pretty much sat at Union Sq for a while people watching. Even Alex has noticed the explosion in skinny jeans and crap. He said he noticed it last time he was here, but not in the sheer over-whelming numbers as this time.
We also went to Urban Glass (in Brooklyn) to check out Jason's (?) grad show piece. Their gallery was HURT. Alex had nothing but hate for Urban Glass. The facilities looked pretty good to me. He just associates the place with some guy who's a douche, so mad hate for the place by association.
Then we went to the Lower East Side and sat at outdoors and ate sandwiches right smack in the middle of Ludlow and Stanton (or something) across the street from Arlene's Grocery (eww). Prime hipster viewing location. Alex said some of "those girls look straight out of the American Apparel ads". True. Then we actually walked by the AA in the LES and saw a SMOKIN' hipster in purple stockings and a (very) short skirt with big-ass sunglasses sitting on the bench smoking a cigarette. Another really hot hipster was browsing inside the store also.
Alex said none of these girls even look at you. I said, "they really don't need to". If you have the balls to approach one of them, you're already on another level, or is a hipster yourself.
We went to ChikaLicious after that. I can't stop raving about this place!
The appetizer of the evening was marzcapone with espresso shavings. The CHEESE felt and tasted more like butter, melting in your mouth with a slight hint of espresso. Oh can cheese taste this good?
Alex had white chocolate mousse on a bed of pineapple (I think).
I had banana sorbet on banana cake on something else.
That woman is Chika, the owner and head chef. I was shocked to find out that this place has been around for 4 years! Alex asked them. They also pretty much know me by now because I've been their for like 3 weekends in a row. The host at one point came out of nowhere and started up a conversation with Alex and I. I told him I was bringing everyone I know from out of town to this place.
That place is heaven (or an orgasm) in my mouth every time.
that dessert looked like a warm stick of butter in dookie sauce.
You're just jealous you can't go.
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