Yesterday was Liz's birthday. We went out to eat at SEA in Williamsburg. It's owned by the same people who own SPICE. Sea is basically SPICE to the EXTREME!! What I mean by that is that the place is overly elaborate and freaken huge, kind of like a cafeteria. There are swings in the waiting area, the entire center of the restaurant has like a mini water pond. Very strange.
We had a party of ten, which was easily seatable, but it was a rectangular table, so it was odd sitting 5 and 5. Our party consist of the birthday girl, Liz, Tina, Ashley, Noah, Caitlin, Susannah, Heather, Mia, NADINE and myself. "Once again, we have a good ratio of girls to guys", Noah said to me. Not even going to comment on that.
The food was standard Sea, Spice fare and most of you have experienced Spice, so I won't go into it.
After that we went out for drinks at Capone's. As it just so happens to be, Monday nights at Capone's is KARAOKE NIGHT. AWW SHIIIEET. Going out not on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is where it's at these days. Locals go out drinking on Tuesdays to avoid the increasingly disturbing amount of bandwagon hoppers and fratboys who come into Brooklyn for a night out.
No BS at Capone's tonight, just straight up locals and people who want to have fun. It was the most relaxed and fun time I've had at a bar in New York in a long time. I played Justine, Heather and Susannah at pool. That table is so dirty, the felt is smooth. Think about that for a bit.
Then the karaoke started and it was all over-
Ashley and Nadine performing Promiscuous
What would karaoke be without a performance of Journey by Caitlin, Tina, Ash, and Liz?
I have no clue what the girls are singing, but look at Nadine's grill!
All the girls tried to circle around me and dance again, and I gave in. Started dancing, and I wasn't even drunk. They tried to do it at Union Hall over the weekend, but I didn't let that happe. No way, not in Park Slop. This "dance around Adam" thing needs to have a name.
Oh yeah, some guy was taping for his show on Brooklyn Public Access, so we're going to be on TV at some random hour...
We stayed till like 12AM, on a Monday night. It was a lot of fun though.
Edit: Wow, I totally spelled Caitlin's name wrong. Sorry!
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