Last night I got the drunkest I've ever got my entire life. And you know what? I woke up with absolutely no hangover this morning. I was wise to drink a lot of water last night between the 4 jack and cokes, 1 shot of tequila and 3 or 4 shots of Jameson.
We started at Congee Village for dinner. Liz, Justine, Ashley, Paul and his girlfriend Vivian, Yudah and Ming came. Yeah, it was a small mash up all my New York friends with my Alfred friends. Yudah thought it was real funny we ate at Congee Village and accused Paul of choosing it, "You picked this place didn't you Paul? I kno Adam didn't. He ain't Chinese!"
Yudah and Ming
Vivian and Paul
Liz and AshWii (I wish I could rhyme my name with Wii)
Justine went up to Purchase to visit Grace after dinner so she didn't go out with us. Ming had to get back to work and Paul and Viv had a birthday thing of Viv's friend to go to. So Yudah, Ash, Liz and I went to Max Fish. Jackie came to meet up with us there.
Ash and I at Max Fish
Then we went to the Cakeshop (see a few post down for my last drunken foray there). Tim's *other* band was playing a show there. Peter came to meet up with us at Cake Shop. Yudah did a shot of tequila with me. Then Jackie's friend Kitty came and I did like 3 or 4 shots of JAMESON with her.
Jackie and Kitty
This was the point of no return, at the Cake Shop
After that I was totally GONE. I was drinking a lot of water after my third Jack and between shots. But yeah there was no way I was getting home by myself. Liz called Paul and he came out to drive me home.
I said some things I really shouldn't have, and it's going to eventually come back to haunt me...
What I learned last night is that no mater how drunk I get, I don't black out. I still remember everything. I don't really throw up either. But I'm guessing the water helped a lot. And I didn't intake a lot of liquid. Just a lot of shots, so maybe there wasn't anything to throw up. At one point during the ride home, Paul pulled over on the side of the BQE and I got out and kinda caught like once but nothing came out. And I woke up with no hangover. I though it was gonna suck this morning but I'm fine.
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