Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Apartments are depressing

Looking at apartments is the most depressing thing ever. The reality is that I can't afford to live in any of the areas I want to, unless it's on the outskirts or border of the neighborhood and even then I can barely afford it.

I went to see a place in Carroll Gardens after work today. It's on Nelson St, which is like 2 blocks away from the border (and BQE). As we turned from Court St onto Nelson, I was thinking to myself "Please be on this block, please be on this block". Nope, it wasn't. It was on the next block (and that block gets cut off with the highway at the end of it).

Sooo after passing the first block I was thinking, "please don't be at the end of the block, please don't be at the end of the block". The broker parked at the end of the block.

Soooo after that I was thinking, "please don't be the corner house next to the highway, please don't be the corner house next to the highway". And it was the last house on the block next to the highway.

Uggg. The apartment was the third and top floor. It's a cute place and the space isn't bad. But the rent is kinda high and NOTHING is included. No hot water or heat. Rose and I would have to pay all utilities on top of rent. I can't afford it.

We're looking at some other places on Saturday. But I'm not holding my breath. Unless we're really, really, really lucky we're probably going to end up in Greenpoint. And even then it would probably cost more than what I can afford looking at asking prices for Greenpoint.

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