Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wait, what?

Back in March, I wrote this post with this quote

"Dapo's ex-girlfriend was there and came over to talk to Kevon and I and she didn't remember who I was and I was like "thats ok, we never really hung out". But they later I realized I had totally mistaken her for another of Dapo's ex and not this girl. This girl and I had never met, but I knew who she was. Oh well!"
The ex-girlfriend in question was Mary, whom I wrote about in a post earlier today of having ran into after Summerscreen. In March, she had no recollection of who I was, and I assumed we were never formally introduced, but I knew of her because she was dating Dapo.

But then tonight I realized she was all "hey Adam!" when we ran into her at Rushmore and the entire night acted like we knew each other from way back when. What the fuck?

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