Saturday, September 1, 2007

Fuck You "Shanghi Kiss" Movie.

Ok, bad enough that it's Saturday night and all my plans have fallen through and I'm here in my house alone. So I grab a beer and now I'm watching this movie called Shanghi Kiss.

I'm three minutes into and and I had to pause and blog this immediately. This is what has happened so far at 3 minutes- the main character, a Chinese guy (who's just decent looking) gets on a public bus in LA. He is sitting across a hot blond girl,who's sketching him, and she says to him "don't be sad" (I guess he looked sad). He's taking the bus because his car has been towed. So she starts to sing him a song and then sits next to him. Then she asks him out to coffee and he's all "I don't think that's such a good idea" and she's like, "what if I'm the one?"

That's when I paused it. This shit is the most highly unpalatable scenario for a movie ever. Like this shit ever happens. I'm going to finish this movie and then either phrase it's highly GROUNDBREAKING STEREOTYPE BREAKING story or bitch about how stupid it was. Stayed tuned.


sandy said...

you're ridiculous.

Unknown said...

I'm burning this shit on a cd and sending it to you ASAP. You might not fell the same way about it, but you might take it as a win for Asian men in movies. GO CHINESE PEOPLE!

sandy said...

you're ridiculous.

p.s. thanks in advance.