Friday, September 7, 2007

This Beer is Now $6 Dollars

I saw Feist at McCarren Park Pool last Wednesday and the first thing I did when I got inside was go buy a ticket for beer. Getting beer at the pool is a three step process. You have to show ID, get in the line to buy a ticket that you can redeem for a beer and then get in another line to actually get beer. They must have done a ton of research and analysis on what the most efficient way to sell beer was.

Anyway, at the Blond Redhead show, the beer (which is all Brooklyn btw) was 5 dollars. When we got up to the ticket line, I noticed a really haphazardly '6' in written over the '5'. Someone had taken a sharpie and turned the '5' into a '6'. You can imagine they only made the bottom half of the '5' into a circle to look like a '6'. They didn't even try that hard, as it was very obvious they had jacked the price up. I guess they felt like they could get away with it. What, being the end of summer and all. Right? Actually, I don't know why, all I know is that I didn't tip the them because of this.

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